Welcome to the Saddle Brook/Maywood Kiwanis Web Page!
Our meetings are held every Wednesday night.
The second and fourth Wednesdays of the month are at the Holiday Inn on Midland Avenue in Saddle Brook and the first Wednesday of the month we are at Victors Maywood Inn in Maywood. Call (862)216-0027 to get location for the third Wednesday location.
****Kiwanis History**** Founded in 1915 and headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Kiwanis International is a thriving organization of service- and community-minded individuals who support children and young adults around the world. More than 600,000 Kiwanis-family members in 76 countries make their mark by responding to the needs of their communities and pooling their resources to address worldwide issues. Through these efforts, Kiwanis International truly is "Serving the Children of the World." **Women in Kiwanis** Membership was opened to women in 1987. There are now more than 51,000 women members, and 1 in 7 club presidents is a woman. **What Kiwanis Means** The name "Kiwanis" was adapted from the expression "Nunc Kee-wanis" in the Otchipew (Native American) language, meaning "We have a good time," "We make a noise," or, under another construction, "We trade or advertise." Some persons prefer to pronounce the word "ki"; others, "kee." During the organization's founding in 1915, members belonged to the "Benevolent Order Brothers." The name, however, was unsatisfactory from the first. A committee of members sought the assistance of Clarence M. Burton, then historian for the City of Detroit, Michigan. Burton found the expression "Nunc Kee-wanis" in Bishop Baraga's dictionary of the Otchipew language. The name was perfect. It satisfied founder Allen Simpson Browne, because one variation of its meaning, "We trade," corresponded with his conception of the new organization. He believed that better business opportunities among the members--adding up to a sort of reciprocal trade arrangement--constituted its prime purpose. Other members, however, believed that the group should "make a noise"--a noticeable difference--through community service.- Adapted from Dimensions of Service-The Kiwanis Story.